
Usage Disclaimer

All information and materials posted on this site are for reference only. Any official and accurate information can be received on the organization’s specific website or by contacting the organization.

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Information contained in this website may vary with time allowing for the passage of time, change in law or personal mistake or omission, server malfunction among others. It is imperative to note that LiteBlues.us does its best to provide accurate content; however, the information you find on this site might not be perfect. Information presented through links in this website may also be either outdated or may redirect the user to other, unexpected websites. LiteBlues.us also assumes no responsibility for damages incurred as a result of using such information or visiting the related links and the information and links depicted in the present Internet site.

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Any information acquired from this site should not be used to make decisions without consulting this organisation or a professional in the respective field.

There is no transfer of the information concerning the patients.

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LiteBlues.us accepts no liability for the employment of this website and all use the same shall occur at the user’s own risk. All information, services or products on this website are provided to you ‘as is’ and ‘as available’. liteblues.us does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, that this site, including any communication service and information transmitted or received, will be timely, accurate, complete, reliable, or suitable for any purpose. Except as set out in these terms and conditions, LiteBlues.us will not be responsible for losses or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the use of this website or its availability, or inability to be used, any content on this website and these terms and conditions.